Friday, February 18, 2011

Looking Younger Memoirs-1: Avocado Magic

Everyone wants to stop time from showing on their faces. Even those who say "bah humbug" still end up staring at the mirror and wondering how those lines, spots, and everything else that wasn't there when you were three managed to show up now. Yes, you still might have the same size of eyes since you were one, but your skin has began to manifest the years. Why did I choose to write about aging and our obsession to stop it? Blame yahoo and the television screen. :)

photo by" Tom Hussey for Novartis

And so I have decided to compile what I have seen and remembered from my childhood days about alternative remedies and methods to look younger and feel better.

I am starting with memoir number 1, The Avocado.

I was a kid when I first saw an attempt to stop time from catching up. I opened up the fridge looking for some avocado to mix with some ice and milk when I found out there was none left.

Turns out my aunt, used it all up.
The green mashed up mixture was splattered on her face while she slept at the couch. She looked like Princess Fiona of Shrek minus the ears...kidding.

The naive kid then asked her aunt why her face was eating her snack. She pinched me on my chubby cheeks and told me, she needed the pinkish glow for a date later in the evening.

Confused, I left her alone and decided to rummage the fridge for something else. The search ended up with just ice, some peanut butter and a pack of dried fish.

I figured playing Power Rangers was a much satisfying option. After countless fake battles with the rangers (I was Rita Repulsa: the villainess)
we were surprised to hear my aunt screaming.

I ran and saw her rinsing the green goo out of her face as if it was the most revolting thing on this planet.

She got her pink glow alright, she got it from a bunch of angry ants which feasted on her face while she overslept.

But for those of you who want to try it out for themselves minus the creepy crawlers, here's
what I remembered from my aunt a couple of eons ago, oh, and don't worry, this one does work.

My Aunt's Recipe
Mix 3 tbsps of mashed or blended avocado with 3 tbsps of honey until smooth. If the mixture is too thick, you can add a little bit of coconut oil or olive oil to smoothen it up. Mix well. Wash your face with warm water (got this from my other aunt who told me it opens up the pores. Pat dry with a soft towel using upward strokes then apply the mixture using a brush or using your hands. Spread evenly and rinse with cold water (to close the pores and lock in moisture) after 20-30 minutes.

But if you still are doubtful of my aunt's mixture, here's one from expertvillage taken from youtube.

do not forget the following:
Use only ripe avocados. my aunt used raw ones which lead to too much green stuff caking and falling off her face leading to a barrage of ants and bite marks afterwards.

Other Beauty and Medicinal Uses of avocado for personal experimentation

Experiment 1: Instead of cucumber thinly slice avocados after removing the seed and place below the eyes. Let stay for 20 minutes
claim:removes puffiness and dark undereye circles

Experiment 2 To lessen irritation and swelling from skin allergies, wipe the skin of the avocado to the affected area. Leave for 5-10 minutes then rinse.
claim: natural cure for allergies and inflammation including dermatitis

Experiment 3: Mix eggwhite, 2 tbsps of oatmeal, 1 tbsp of calamansi or lemon juice and a quarter of an avocado until smooth. Use as scrub for the hands.
claim: smoother and softer hands. removal of dead skin cells

For those with oily skin, substitute the honey from my aunt's mixture with egg white.
For those with dry skin, substitute the egg white with egg yolk.

For those with dull hair, blend the avocado together with 1 tbsp virgin coconut oil or olive oil, 1 egg yolk, and and spread evenly on your hair, cover with a shower cap for 20 minutes and rinse. Here's a cool vid from bubzbeauty at youtube on how to make the mask.

My nutritionist and vegan aunt also told me last 2005 that there are a lot of nutrients,mainly phosphorus and some B vitamins that could be found on avocados. If you want a cheap facelift, she told me this fruit was the cheaper alternative and at 2-3 times a week, its better than having botox. It increases skin elasticity and at the same time the oil moisturizes and reduces inflammation which later on leads to wrinkles and lines.

With the onslaught of photoshopped and chemical laden creams in the market nowadays, why not give this fruit a try then go out and brag how you did it naturally?

Just don't forget to check the area for ants first. ;)

1 comment:

T.S. said...

Nice post, I like it.